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Organic Audio Reference XLR - PROMO Zoom
Organic Audio

Organic Audio Reference XLR - PROMO

Cables Stereo XLR

Plus évolué que les MKII la version Reference d'Organic Audio est le croisement entre la marque et Argento Audio.
Un condensé des technologies de la marque haut de gamme Danoise.

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2 x 1mEn stock

Disponibilité : En stock


834,00 €

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  • Delrin/POM polymer used for the connector housing instead on aluminum
  • ​Cryo treated connectors.
  • Even lower mass dielectric – for even less conductor to dielectric interaction.​
  • 99.999% pure OFC annealed copper ribbons for conductors.
  • Custom made XLR, RCA and Spade connectors with contacts made of the same type of copper as the conductors and Teflon dielectric.
  • DAD “Damped Air Dielectric” consisting of low mass fibers that have limited contact with the conductors – leading to a very low dielectric constant while still providing good damping of vibrations.
  • Geometry optimized for low capacitance.
  • No shielding – for even lower capacitance.